Mr Mixer 2024 Calendar


Just in time for the holiday season! Introducing the 2024 Mr. Mixer Calendars. These calendars were printed with you in mind! Each month features a different mixer and theme but that is just scratching the surface of what this calendar has to offer!

Calendars are already pretty helpful tools when it comes to documenting, especially for bakers because its easy to write down your orders on the days they need to be started/delivered.

We have taken it a step further by adding two large notes sections as well as several data tables designed to assist you in the kitchen.

We haver everything from measurement conversions to what temperature to cook your meat and on top of that we even have a chart that lines out at what speeds you should use your mixer depending on the task you are attempting to complete, that includes external attachments like the meat grinder as well!

Here is to a wonderful 2024!!

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